BIOMATDB Newsletter – December 2022
Our second BIOMATDB Newsletter has just been sent out to all subscribers.
BIOMATDB newsletters will be created and sent out regularly to inform all interested stakeholders about the project progress and about upcoming events. To make sure you never miss anything, we would recommend subscribing to the newsletter and it will land directly in your email inbox. To subscribe to the newsletter, click on the link here. Alternatively, a link to the newsletter signup form has been provided directly on the homepage of the BIOMATDB project website.
If you are not yet a subscriber, you can find the link to our latest newsletter here:
🔗 https://mailchi.mp/1ae88c36e756/biomatdb-newsletter-happy-holidays
MundWerk im Alexa (2020). Titan- oder Keramik-Implantat – welches Material eignet sich besser als Zahnersatz? [online] Accessible at: https://www.mundwerk-alexa.de/titan-oder-keramik-implantat-welches-material-eignet-sich-besser-als-zahnersatz/